Chapter 4 References

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Canty, Angelo, and Brian Ripley. 2016. Boot: Bootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S).

dAgostino, Ralph B. 1998. “Tutorial in Biostatistics: Propensity Score Methods for Bias Reduction in the Comparison of a Treatment to a Non-Randomized Control Group.” Stat Med 17 (19): 2265–81.

Davidian, Marie. 2005. Simulation Studies in Statistics.

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Friedman, Jerome, Trevor Hastie, Noah Simon, and Rob Tibshirani. 2016. Glmnet: Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models.

Hallgren, Kevin A. 2013. “Conducting Simulation Studies in the R Programming Environment.” Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology 9 (2). NIH Public Access: 43.

Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman. 2009. The Elements of Statistical Learning (2nd Edition). Vol. 2. Cambridge university press.

Joseph, Lawrence. 2010. Principles of Inferential Statistics in Medicine.

Maindonald, John H., and W. John Braun. 2015. DAAG: Data Analysis and Graphics Data and Functions.

Rosenbaum, Paul R, and Donald B Rubin. 1983. “The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects.” Biometrika 70 (1). Biometrika Trust: 41–55.

Stephens, David A. 2015. “MATH 680 - Computation Intensive Statistics Course Notes.” Notes. McGill University.

Sveidqvist, Knut, Mike Bostock, Chris Pettitt, Mike Daines, Andrei Kashcha, and Richard Iannone. 2016. DiagrammeR: Create Graph Diagrams and Flowcharts Using R.

Tibshirani, Robert. 1996. “Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological). JSTOR, 267–88.

Wang, Yishu, Orla Murphy, Maxime Turgeon, ZhuoYu Wang, Sahir R Bhatnagar, Juliana Schulz, and Erica EM Moodie. 2015. “The Perils of Quasi-Likelihood Information Criteria.” Stat 4 (1). Wiley Online Library: 246–54.


  2. All flowcharts are created using the DiagrammeR package (Sveidqvist et al. 2016)

  3. This example has been reproduced with permission from Dr. David A. Stephens (Stephens 2015)