Takes a fitted sail object produced by sail() or cv.sail()$sail.fit and plots a persp for a pre-specified variable at a given value of lambda and on the scale of the linear predictor. Currently only implemented for type="gaussian"

plotInter(object, x, xvar, s, f.truth, interation.only = TRUE,
  truthonly = FALSE, npoints = 30, col = c("#56B4E9", "#D55E00"),
  title_z = "", xlab, ylab, zlab, ...)



a fitted sail object as produced by sail() or cv.sail()$sail.fit


original data supplied to the original call to sail


a character corresponding to the predictor to be plotted. Only one variable name should be supplied, if more than one is supplied, only the first element will be plotted. This variable name must be in colnames(x).


a single value of the penalty parameter lambda at which coefficients will be extracted via the coef method for objects of class "sail". If more than one is supplied, only the first one will be used.


true function. Only used for simulation purposes when the truth is known. The function takes as a input two numeric vectors e.g. f(x,e) corresponding the xvar column in x of length nrow(x) and the exposure variable contained in the sail object. A second persp will be plotted for the truth


if TRUE only the interaction part is used to calculate the linear predictor, i.e., \(linear predictor = E * f(X) * interaction_effects\). If FALSE, then \(linear predictor = E * \beta_E + f(X) * interaction_effects + E * f(X) * interaction_effects\). Default: TRUE


only plot the truth. f.truth must be specified if this argument is set to TRUE. Default: FALSE


number of points in the grid to calculate the perspective plot. Default: 30


color of the line. The first element corresponds to the color used for the estimated function and the second element is for the true function (if f.truth is specified). Default: c("#D55E00", "#009E73")


title for the plot, Default: ''


character for xlabel. if missing, variable name is used


character for ylabel. if missing, variable name is used


character for zlabel. if missing, variable name is used


currently ignored


A plot is produced and nothing is returned

See also


if (FALSE) { if(interactive()){ # Parallel library(doParallel) registerDoParallel(cores = 4) data("sailsim") f.basis <- function(i) splines::bs(i, degree = 5) cvfit <- cv.sail(x = sailsim$x, y = sailsim$y, e = sailsim$e, basis = f.basis, nfolds = 10, parallel = TRUE) # plot cv-error curve plot(cvfit) # non-zero estimated coefficients at lambda.min predict(cvfit, type = "nonzero", s="lambda.min") # plot interaction effect for X4 and the true interaction effect also plotInter(cvfit$sail.fit, x = sailsim$x, xvar = "X3", f.truth = sailsim$f4.inter, s = cvfit$lambda.min, title_z = "Estimated") } }