Eclust Vignette

Load Required Packages


Simulate Data


# number of predictors
p = 10 

# number of test subjects
n = 200

# correlation between X's
rho = 0.50

# signal to noise ratio
signal_to_noise_ratio = 4

# names of the main effects, this will be used in many of the functions
main_effect_names <- paste0("x",1:p) 

# names of the active set
true_var_names <- c("x1","x2","x3","x4","x1:x2", "x1:x3", "x1:x4", "x2:x3", "x2:x4", "x3:x4")

# different true coefficient vectors as in Table 1 of Choi et al. 
beta1 <- c(7,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) %>% magrittr::set_names(true_var_names)
beta2 <- c(7,2,1,1,1,0,0,0.5,0.4,0.1) %>% magrittr::set_names(true_var_names)
beta3 <- c(7,2,1,1,7,7,7,2,2,1) %>% magrittr::set_names(true_var_names)
beta4 <- c(7,2,1,1,14,14,14,4,4,2) %>% magrittr::set_names(true_var_names)
beta5 <- c(0,0,0,0,7,7,7,2,2,1) %>% magrittr::set_names(true_var_names)

# simulate Toeplitz like correlation structure between X's
H <- abs(outer(1:p, 1:p, "-"))
cor <- rho^H

# generate X's from multivariate normal and label the matrix
DT <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0,p), Sigma = cor) %>% 
    magrittr::set_colnames(paste0("x",1:p)) %>% 

# create X matrix which contains all main effects and interactions
# but not the intercept
X <- model.matrix(
    as.formula(paste0("~(",paste0(main_effect_names, collapse = "+"),")^2-1")), 
    data = DT %>% 

# generate response with user defined signal to noise ratio <- X[,names(beta1)] %*% beta1
error <- rnorm(n)
k <- sqrt(var(*var(error))) 
Y <- + k*error 
colnames(Y) <- "Y"

# names of interaction variables assuming interaction terms contain a ":"
# this will be used in many of the functions
# names must appear in the same order as X matrix
interaction_names <- grep(":", colnames(X), value = T)
main_effect_names <- setdiff(colnames(X), interaction_names)


Running the Strong heredity interaction model once using the shim function

NOTE: if lambda.beta = NULL and lambda.gamma = NULL then this function will use a grid of tuning parameters based on nlambda.beta only and the nlambda.gamma parameter is ignored. Therefore, if for example nlambda.beta = 10 then you must specify nlambda = 10x10 = 100 otherwise the function will break.

# load eclust library

res <- shim(x = X, y = Y,
            main.effect.names = main_effect_names,
            interaction.names = interaction_names,
            verbose = FALSE)

##  [1] "b0"                "beta"              "alpha"            
##  [4] "gamma"             "lambda.beta"       "lambda.gamma"     
##  [7] "tuning.parameters" "dfbeta"            "dfalpha"          
## [10] "dev.ratio"         "deviance"          "converged"        
## [13] "x"                 "y"                 "bx"               
## [16] "by"                "sx"                "center"           
## [19] "normalize"         "nlambda.gamma"     "nlambda.beta"     
## [22] "nlambda"           "interaction.names" "main.effect.names"
## [25] "call"              "nobs"
## Call:  shim(x = X, y = Y, main.effect.names = main_effect_names, interaction.names = interaction_names,      verbose = FALSE) 
##      dfBeta dfAlpha percentDev LambdaBeta LambdaGamma
## s1        8      28     0.8485  8.304e-06   8.304e-06
## s2        7      21     0.8337  8.304e-06   3.854e-05
## s3        7      21     0.8337  8.304e-06   1.789e-04
## s4        7      21     0.8336  8.304e-06   8.304e-04
## s5        7      21     0.8333  8.304e-06   3.854e-03
## s6        7      19     0.8323  8.304e-06   1.789e-02
## s7        7      16     0.8283  8.304e-06   8.304e-02
## s8        7      11     0.8239  8.304e-06   3.854e-01
## s9        7       6     0.8170  8.304e-06   1.789e+00
## s10       6       5     0.8134  8.304e-06   8.304e+00
## s11       6      15     0.8288  3.854e-05   8.304e-06
## s12       7      21     0.8345  3.854e-05   3.854e-05
## s13       7      21     0.8337  3.854e-05   1.789e-04
## s14       7      21     0.8336  3.854e-05   8.304e-04
## s15       7      21     0.8333  3.854e-05   3.854e-03
## s16       7      19     0.8323  3.854e-05   1.789e-02
## s17       7      16     0.8283  3.854e-05   8.304e-02
## s18       7      11     0.8239  3.854e-05   3.854e-01
## s19       6       6     0.8164  3.854e-05   1.789e+00
## s20       6       5     0.8132  3.854e-05   8.304e+00
## s21       5      10     0.8215  1.789e-04   8.304e-06
## s22       7      21     0.8338  1.789e-04   3.854e-05
## s23       7      21     0.8338  1.789e-04   1.789e-04
## s24       7      21     0.8337  1.789e-04   8.304e-04
## s25       7      21     0.8334  1.789e-04   3.854e-03
## s26       7      19     0.8323  1.789e-04   1.789e-02
## s27       7      16     0.8284  1.789e-04   8.304e-02
## s28       6       9     0.8177  1.789e-04   3.854e-01
## s29       5       3     0.8079  1.789e-04   1.789e+00
## s30       5       2     0.8047  1.789e-04   8.304e+00
## s31       5      10     0.8139  8.304e-04   8.304e-06
## s32       5      10     0.8172  8.304e-04   3.854e-05
## s33       5      10     0.8172  8.304e-04   1.789e-04
## s34       5      10     0.8172  8.304e-04   8.304e-04
## s35       5      10     0.8170  8.304e-04   3.854e-03
## s36       5      10     0.8163  8.304e-04   1.789e-02
## s37       5       9     0.8144  8.304e-04   8.304e-02
## s38       5       6     0.8100  8.304e-04   3.854e-01
## s39       4       2     0.8044  8.304e-04   1.789e+00
## s40       4       1     0.8042  8.304e-04   8.304e+00
## s41       3       3     0.8043  3.854e-03   8.304e-06
## s42       3       3     0.8042  3.854e-03   3.854e-05
## s43       3       3     0.8042  3.854e-03   1.789e-04
## s44       3       3     0.8042  3.854e-03   8.304e-04
## s45       3       3     0.8042  3.854e-03   3.854e-03
## s46       3       3     0.8042  3.854e-03   1.789e-02
## s47       3       3     0.8043  3.854e-03   8.304e-02
## s48       3       3     0.8043  3.854e-03   3.854e-01
## s49       3       3     0.8041  3.854e-03   1.789e+00
## s50       3       1     0.8038  3.854e-03   8.304e+00
## s51       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   8.304e-06
## s52       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   3.854e-05
## s53       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   1.789e-04
## s54       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   8.304e-04
## s55       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   3.854e-03
## s56       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   1.789e-02
## s57       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   8.304e-02
## s58       3       3     0.8043  1.789e-02   3.854e-01
## s59       3       3     0.8041  1.789e-02   1.789e+00
## s60       3       1     0.8038  1.789e-02   8.304e+00
## s61       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   8.304e-06
## s62       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   3.854e-05
## s63       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   1.789e-04
## s64       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   8.304e-04
## s65       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   3.854e-03
## s66       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   1.789e-02
## s67       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   8.304e-02
## s68       3       3     0.8043  8.304e-02   3.854e-01
## s69       3       2     0.8041  8.304e-02   1.789e+00
## s70       3       1     0.8039  8.304e-02   8.304e+00
## s71       3       3     0.8037  3.854e-01   8.304e-06
## s72       3       3     0.8037  3.854e-01   3.854e-05
## s73       3       3     0.8036  3.854e-01   1.789e-04
## s74       3       3     0.8036  3.854e-01   8.304e-04
## s75       3       3     0.8036  3.854e-01   3.854e-03
## s76       3       3     0.8036  3.854e-01   1.789e-02
## s77       3       3     0.8036  3.854e-01   8.304e-02
## s78       3       3     0.8036  3.854e-01   3.854e-01
## s79       3       2     0.8034  3.854e-01   1.789e+00
## s80       3       1     0.8032  3.854e-01   8.304e+00
## s81       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   8.304e-06
## s82       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   3.854e-05
## s83       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   1.789e-04
## s84       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   8.304e-04
## s85       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   3.854e-03
## s86       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   1.789e-02
## s87       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   8.304e-02
## s88       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   3.854e-01
## s89       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   1.789e+00
## s90       1       0     0.7170  1.789e+00   8.304e+00
## s91       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   8.304e-06
## s92       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   3.854e-05
## s93       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   1.789e-04
## s94       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   8.304e-04
## s95       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   3.854e-03
## s96       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   1.789e-02
## s97       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   8.304e-02
## s98       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   3.854e-01
## s99       1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   1.789e+00
## s100      1       0     0.7035  8.304e+00   8.304e+00

Cross Validation using the cv.shim function

registerDoMC(cores = 4)
cv.res <- cv.shim(x = X, y = Y,
            main.effect.names = main_effect_names,
            interaction.names = interaction_names,
            parallel = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
            type.measure = c("mse"), 
            nfolds = 5)

##  [1] "lambda.beta"     "lambda.gamma"    "cvm"            
##  [4] "cvsd"            "cvup"            "cvlo"           
##  [7] "nz.main"         "name"            "nz.interaction" 
## [10] ""        "converged"       "cvm.mat.all"    
## [13] "df"              "lambda.min.beta" ""
## [16] "lambda.1se.beta" ""

Cross Validation Plot


Coefficient Estimates

coef(cv.res, s = "lambda.1se")
## 56 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##              Y
## X                     s71
##   (Intercept) -0.07660618
##   x1           6.97690913
##   x2           1.51190024
##   x3           1.92657143
##   x4           .         
##   x5           .         
##   x6           .         
##   x7           .         
##   x8           .         
##   x9           .         
##   x10          .         
##   x1:x2       -0.06471414
##   x1:x3       -0.19559520
##   x1:x4        .         
##   x1:x5        .         
##   x1:x6        .         
##   x1:x7        .         
##   x1:x8        .         
##   x1:x9        .         
##   x1:x10       .         
##   x2:x3        0.63248399
##   x2:x4        .         
##   x2:x5        .         
##   x2:x6        .         
##   x2:x7        .         
##   x2:x8        .         
##   x2:x9        .         
##   x2:x10       .         
##   x3:x4        .         
##   x3:x5        .         
##   x3:x6        .         
##   x3:x7        .         
##   x3:x8        .         
##   x3:x9        .         
##   x3:x10       .         
##   x4:x5        .         
##   x4:x6        .         
##   x4:x7        .         
##   x4:x8        .         
##   x4:x9        .         
##   x4:x10       .         
##   x5:x6        .         
##   x5:x7        .         
##   x5:x8        .         
##   x5:x9        .         
##   x5:x10       .         
##   x6:x7        .         
##   x6:x8        .         
##   x6:x9        .         
##   x6:x10       .         
##   x7:x8        .         
##   x7:x9        .         
##   x7:x10       .         
##   x8:x9        .         
##   x8:x10       .         
##   x9:x10       .
coef(cv.res, s = "lambda.min")
## 56 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##              Y
## X                    s60
##   (Intercept) -0.1499439
##   x1           6.8466272
##   x2           1.7668964
##   x3           2.0307660
##   x4           .        
##   x5           .        
##   x6           .        
##   x7           .        
##   x8           .        
##   x9           .        
##   x10          .        
##   x1:x2        .        
##   x1:x3        .        
##   x1:x4        .        
##   x1:x5        .        
##   x1:x6        .        
##   x1:x7        .        
##   x1:x8        .        
##   x1:x9        .        
##   x1:x10       .        
##   x2:x3        0.5483146
##   x2:x4        .        
##   x2:x5        .        
##   x2:x6        .        
##   x2:x7        .        
##   x2:x8        .        
##   x2:x9        .        
##   x2:x10       .        
##   x3:x4        .        
##   x3:x5        .        
##   x3:x6        .        
##   x3:x7        .        
##   x3:x8        .        
##   x3:x9        .        
##   x3:x10       .        
##   x4:x5        .        
##   x4:x6        .        
##   x4:x7        .        
##   x4:x8        .        
##   x4:x9        .        
##   x4:x10       .        
##   x5:x6        .        
##   x5:x7        .        
##   x5:x8        .        
##   x5:x9        .        
##   x5:x10       .        
##   x6:x7        .        
##   x6:x8        .        
##   x6:x9        .        
##   x6:x10       .        
##   x7:x8        .        
##   x7:x9        .        
##   x7:x10       .        
##   x8:x9        .        
##   x8:x10       .        
##   x9:x10       .