Model Fitting

Main functions for fitting the ggmix model


Fit Linear Mixed Model with Lasso or Group Lasso Regularization


Generalised Information Criterion

Methods for objects of class ggmix_fit and ggmix_gic

Method functions to extract relevant information from fitted objects

predict(<ggmix_fit>) coef(<ggmix_fit>)

Make predictions from a ggmix_fit object

predict(<ggmix_gic>) coef(<ggmix_gic>)

Make predictions from a ggmix_gic object

print(<ggmix_fit>) print(<ggmix_gic>)

Print Method for Objects of Class ggmix_fit

plot(<ggmix_fit>) plotCoef()

Plot Method for ggmix_fit object

plot(<ggmix_gic>) plotGIC()

Plot the Generalised Information Criteria curve produced by gic

ranef() random.effects()

Extract Random Effects


Two datasets that ship with the package to illustrate usage


Karim's Simulated Data


Simulated Dataset with 1D Geography

Diagnostic Plots

Plots for assessing model fit

plot(<ggmix_gic>) plotGIC()

Plot the Generalised Information Criteria curve produced by gic

Simulate Data

Simulate data with different geographies


Simulation Scenario from Bhatnagar et al. (2018+) ggmix paper

Internal Utility Functions

Functions not really meant for the user


Estimation of Log-likelihood for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty


Estimation of Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty

kkt_check() grr_sigma2() grr_beta0()

Check of KKT Conditions for Linear Mixed Model


Estimation of Lambda Sequence for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty


Estimation of Sigma2 for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty

gr_eta_lasso_fullrank() fn_eta_lasso_fullrank()

Functions related to eta parameter used in optim and kkt checks

new_fullrank_kinship() new_fullrank_K() new_fullrank_UD() new_lowrank_kinship() new_lowrank_K() new_lowrank_UD()

Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects